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Facilities Advisory Committee (2023)

The Citizens’ Facilities Advisory Committee met between February and September 2023 to explore educational programs and standards, school capacity, enrollment forecasts, school safety, accessibility and more. The committee held a community meeting on April 18, 2023 to share its work. On Oct. 4, 2023, the committee presented its findings and recommendations to the Board. Review the slides from the presentation.

The Lakewood Board of Directors directed the Citizens’ Facilities Advisory Committee to review the needs of our facilities and provide the Lakewood School Board and community with a recommended road map to guide future capital investments. This community-based work group recommends short- and long-term capital improvements in the form of an updated Study and Survey.

CFAC Recommendation to the School Board - October 4, 2023

First page of the PDF file: Lakewood_SD_CFAC_-_Recommendation_to_School_Board_1042023

ThoughtExchange Results May 2023


wordcloud - safety, building, staff, traffic, growing


"What should we consider as we plan for the maintenance and improvement of our facilities for the future of learning and growth in our district?" Thank you to the 152 participants who contributed 84 thoughts and rated 2,277 thoughts in May 2023.

Background Documents

Meeting Materials