2024 Capital Improvements and Safety Levy
The Capital Improvements and Safety Levy funds facility needs not funded by the state, helping to ensure that our learning environments are healthy and safe. This levy was approved by voters in 2024 for collections in 2025-2028.
Capital Improvements Updates
As part of its commitment to improve energy efficiencies and reduce utility costs, Lakewood School District is pleased to announce it has been awarded a grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce and an energy incentive from Snohomish PUD. The total energy-efficiency funding of $538,885 will be used to install energy-efficient LED lighting at Lakewood Middle School and Lakewood High School’s Dick Cardinal Stadium.
The grant award of $293,663 from the Department of Commerce is one of 26 grants in Washington state and one of four in Snohomish County. Snohomish PUD incentivized Lakewood’s grant with a contribution of $245,222. Funded by the Climate Commitment Act, the Commerce grants are expected to play a key role in helping buildings meet Washington’s Clean Buildings Performance Standards.
Tentative schedule of improvements
At its July 17, 2024 study session, the Lakewood Board of Directors reviewed a list of priorities for the Capital Improvements and Safety Levy. The list is based on the work of the Capital Facilities Advisory Committee, which met in 2023.
The tentative schedule includes:
- SAFETY: Fencing to improve security during school hours
- ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Replace aging LES boiler and HVAC system
- SAFETY: Replace obsolete LMS bell system, master clock and intercom system
- SAFETY: Replace LMS fire alarm system
- ADA/SAFETY: Upgraded door hardware to improve security of LMS and LES exterior doors
- SAFETY: Upgrades to LES and CCE playgrounds
- EFFICIENCY: LMS energy-efficient lighting and controls (*grant/levy funded)
- EFFICIENCY: LHS recommissioning of lighting control system (*grant funded)
- EFFICIENCY: LHS stadium lighting replacement (*grant funded)
- SAFETY: Secure exterior doors at LES and ECE
- SAFETY: Update ECE fire alarm control panels and building communications system
- PRESERVATION: Replace aging LMS roof
- ACCOMMODATE GROWTH: Reconfigure LMS cafeteria
- SAFETY: Secure exterior doors at LMS
- PRESERVATION: Update electrical equipment at LES, LMS
- EFFICIENCY: Lighting and electrical fixture updates at LES, ECE, CCE
- SAFETY: Secure exterior doors at CCE
- PRESERVATION: Update hot water and heat pumps at ECE
Additional Improvements
- Improve ADA accessibility
- Improve signage and wayfinding
- Clean school exteriors