2024 Levies
Election Night Results
Thank you, voters! As of April 23, 2024, at 8:01 p.m., unofficial results show the Replacement EP&O levy passing at 53.09% and the Capital Improvements and Safety levy passing at 52.03%.
Vote by April 23
The two measures on the April 23 ballot would fund student educational programs, athletics and activities, technology, safety and security, and capital facilities improvements in Lakewood School District. Both levies are four-year levies, with collections in 2025-2028.
“These levies are not only an investment in our schools, they are an investment in Lakewood’s future,” said Dr. Erin Murphy, Superintendent. “They provide students with the resources and programs they need to thrive and become future community leaders.”
Join us for an information session
- March 21 at 5:30 p.m. (Paddle Pub Meet and Greet)
- March 25 at 5 p.m. (Virtual on Facebook Live)
- April 8 at 6 p.m. (Cougar Creek Elementary)
- April 11 at 5:30 p.m. (Lakewood Middle School)
Replacement Levy for Educational Programs and Operations
No anticipated tax-rate increase
- The EP&O levy replaces the current EP&O levy that is expiring.
- No anticipated tax-rate increase for the combined tax collection due to the district’s 2024 refinancing of bonds.
- Property tax is voted on and based upon the assessed values of all properties within the district.
- School districts only levy a specific dollar amount. When asking voters for approval, they are required by law to provide an estimate of the tax rate. This helps individuals understand the potential tax burden they might have as the district cannot estimate every individual's assessed value in the district during the collection years.
- The current EP&O collection amount in 2024 is about $6.8 million. If approved, the collection amount in 2025 would be $7.5 million.
- With the refinancing of the 2014 bonds, the district will save taxpayers more than $500,000 annually in collection. The refinance savings will offset the majority of the 2025 EP&O levy increase from 2024 to 2025. It allows the district to estimate no change in the combined tax rate.
- The EP&O levy represents about 14% of the district’s operating budget.
This levy ensures that our students have continued access to staff who will support their academic, physical and mental health needs. Examples of these costs include:
- Teaching + Support
- Special Education
- Athletics + Activities
- Technology + Operations
- Professional Development
Learn More: Replacement Educational Programs & Operations Levy
Capital Improvements and Safety Levy
The Capital Improvements and Safety Levy is a new levy. It focuses on the maintenance and preservation of district facilities and safety/security improvements across the district and seeks to address the short-term needs identified by the Citizens’ Facilities Advisory Committee.
- Replace failing roof and aging boiler
- Improvements to HVAC/heating systems
- Replace aging electrical panels and flooring
- Upgrade lighting for cost efficiency and legal compliance
- Install access control system with lockdown functionality on exterior doors
- Improve site safety/security with fencing
- Update fire alarm systems
- Communication infrastructure improvements
- Improve student drop-off/pickup traffic flow
- Repair walkways and improve ADA handicap access
Learn More: Capital Improvements and Safety Levy
Remember to vote by April 23, 2024. Need to register or update your voter information? Visit votewa.gov. Ballots must be postmarked by April 23 (no stamp needed) or received in a ballot dropbox by 8 p.m. on April 23.
April 4 | Local ballots mailed |
April 15 | Last day for voters to register or update voter information online |
April 23
Election Day
Last day for voters to register or update voter information in person Last day for voters to return voted ballot |
May 3 | County canvassing board certifies the county election results |
Watch a video about the levies.
Register to Vote
Remember to vote by April 23, 2024.
Need to register or update your voter information? Visit votewa.gov. Ballots must be postmarked by April 23 (no stamp needed) or received in a ballot dropbox by 8 p.m. on April 23. Residents can register to vote online up to one week before Election Day or in person up to and on Election Day. For more information, visit the Snohomish County website.
Property Tax Exemptions and Income Threshold Changes
Some senior (age 61+) and disabled homeowners may be eligible for reduced property tax rates or exemptions. Income thresholds for these programs changed in 2024 and vary from $54,000 to $75,000. To learn more, call the Snohomish County Assessor's Office at (425) 388-3433 or visit their website.
Quick Links
Ask Us!
Questions or comments about the levies? Please use this form.
Levy Presentation Request
Is your group interested in learning more about Lakewood School District's April 23, 2024 levies? Let us know!
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Local Funding for Local Priorities
The money Lakewood collects from local, voter-approved education levies stays in our district. We use these funds to provide the quality of education that our students and families expect, and to ensure our students have safe, welcoming schools that support student success.
- Why are local EP&O levies needed? Doesn’t the state fully fund schools?
- Does the EP&O levy pay for staff positions above what the state funds?
- What is a replacement levy?
- If property values go up, do local schools get more funding?
- Does the School District receive sales tax revenue from stores?
- How were projects for the Capital Improvements and Safety Levy determined?
- How will Lakewood's rapid growth be addressed?
- Did Lakewood receive federal funds to cover pandemic expenses?