Capital Improvements and Safety Levy
Capital Improvements and Safety Levy
This levy funds facility needs not funded by the state, helping to ensure that our learning environments are healthy and safe.
See projects by school below. The district’s previous levy for capital improvements expired in 2020.
Projects by School
Lakewood Middle School
*Scores represent state schools building condition database scores for 2023.
- Reconfigure cafeteria to increase capacity and functionality
- Access control system with lockdown functionality
- Replace outdated electrical equipment
- Communication infrastructure improvements (intercom system and master clock system)
- Replace outdated fire alarm system
- Replace aging roof on Cougar Hall
- Improve site security with fencing
- Install additional security cameras
- Improve energy efficiency by replacing fluorescent lights with LEDs to reduce utility costs and comply with Green Buildings (HB1257) requirements
- Sidewalk repairs and ADA accessibility improvements
Lakewood Elementary School
*Scores represent state schools building condition database scores for 2023.
- Replace outdated boiler
- HVAC improvements to improve indoor air quality
- Access control system with lockdown functionality
- Install additional security cameras
- Replace outdated electrical panels
- Flooring Update
English Crossing Elementary
*Scores represent state schools building condition database scores for 2023.
- Communication infrastructure improvements (intercom system)
- Replace fire alarm system
- Repair or replace water source heat pumps and domestic hot water system
- Access control system with lockdown functionality
- Improve site security with fencing
- Install additional security cameras
- Flooring update
- Replace fluorescent light fixtures with energy-efficient LED lights to reduce utility costs and comply with Green Building Law (HB1257) requirements
Cougar Creek Elementary
*Scores represent state schools building condition database scores for 2023.
- Access control system with lockdown functionality
- Install additional security cameras
- Flooring update
- Replace fluorescent light fixtures with energy-efficient LED lights to reduce utility costs and comply with Green Building Law (HB1257) requirements
- Sidewalk repairs and ADA accessibility improvements
Lakewood High School
*Scores represent state schools building condition database scores for 2023.
How were projects prioritized?
In 2023, a district Citizens’ Facilities Advisory Committee, comprised of parents, staff, and community volunteers, visited schools in the district to develop short- and long-term recommendations for capital improvements. As part of the committee’s Study and Survey, a team of architects and engineers toured the district’s schools in spring 2023 and compiled their findings in the state schools building condition database. For its short-term recommendations, the committee focused on (1) maintenance and preservation, and (2) safety and security projects across the district.
Examples of projects recommended by the committee that would be funded by this levy, include:
- Health and safety improvements such as access control systems with lockdown functionality at all schools, updated fire alarm systems, fence installation, intercom system replacement at middle school, improving student drop-off/pickup traffic flow, and sidewalk repairs.
- Replace aging building systems like HVAC/heating systems, hot water systems, electrical, energy-efficient lighting and flooring.
What about growth?
Growth was a top priority identified by the Citizens’ Facilities Advisory Committee in its medium- and long-term priorities. CFAC also recognized that we cannot adequately plan for growth without maintaining our community’s investments in its existing facilities. For that reason, it focused its near-term priorities on maintenance and preservation, and safety and security. These near-term priorities are included in the 2024 Capital Improvements and Safety Levy.
How much will it cost?
The district would collect a total of $17 million over four years for urgent school improvements. The estimated tax rate is $0.87 per $1,000 of assessed property value in 2025. To maintain a consistent tax rate, the levy amount adjusts as existing bonds are paid off.
If property values go up, do schools get more funding?
No. Property values may fluctuate, but the district only collects the total amount approved by voters and no more.