The state does not fully fund education. About 14% of the district budget comes from our local EP&O levy. Local funding is for local priorities. In Lakewood, our community has told us that they value smaller class sizes, academic support to meet the needs of all students, nurses, social/emotional and mental health support, safety and security, athletics and activities. These are all local priorities that are paid for by the levy.
Yes. Much of what the EP&O levy funds is people — additional adults helping to provide a quality education and give children the support they need in both academic and social-emotional learning. Lakewood's local levy provides nearly 14% of its annual operating budget, including additional positions above what the state funds.
The chart below shows examples of positions that the levy funds, based on the prototypical school model. It does not include all levy-funded positions.
A replacement levy is a local tax that replaces a levy that has expired. The current Educational Programs and Operations levy — nearly 14% of the district's budget — will expire at the end of 2024. The Replacement Educational Programs and Operations Levy would be collected for four years, 2025-2028. Approval of this replacement levy will not changethe current tax rate.
No. Property taxes may fluctuate, but the district only collects the total amount approved by voters.
Property values may rise or fall, but according to state law, schools collect no more than the total dollar amount voters approve. When property values rise, rates go down. Conversely, if property values fall, rates rise to ensure property taxpayers only contribute the amount approved by voters.
No. Lakewood schools do not receive any sales tax revenue. Lakewood's typical school funding comes from the state (79%), local voter-approved levies (14%), federal (5%) and other sources (2%).
In 2023, a district Citizens’ Facilities Advisory Committee, comprised of parents, staff, and community volunteers, visited schools in the district to develop short- and long-term recommendations for capital improvements. As part of the committee’s Study and Survey, a team of architects and engineers toured the district’s schools in spring 2023 and compiled their findings in the state schools building condition database. For its short-term recommendations, the committee focused on (1) maintenance and preservation, and (2) safety and security projects across the district.
Examples of projects recommended by the committee that would be funded by this levy include:
Health and safety improvements such as access control systems with lockdown functionality at all schools, updated fire alarm systems, improved site security with fencing, communication infrastructure improvements, improved student drop-off/pickup traffic flow, and improved ADA handicap access.
Replace aging building systems like HVAC/heating systems, hot water systems, electrical, energy-efficient lighting and flooring.
Growth was a top priority identified by the Citizens’ Facilities Advisory Committee in its medium- and long-term priorities. CFAC also recognized that we cannot adequately plan for growth without maintaining our community’s investments in its existing facilities. For that reason, it focused its near-term priorities on maintenance and preservation, and safety and security. These near-term priorities are included in the 2024 Capital Improvements and Safety Levy.
Lakewood received one-time federal ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds from 2020-2023 to provide schools with resources to meet the academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of students resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is a summary of how these funds were used.
Program and Building Improvements/Classroom Modifications
Additional middle school music classroom to create additional classroom space
Enhanced HVAC systems at all schools
Preschool Playground
Counseling and Health Services
Full-time counselor at each elementary school beginning 2022-23 school year
Health room assistants
Care Solace mental health referrals
Academic Recovery Learning Supports and Summer School
Lakewood Summer Academy experiential learning classes available to all students
High-Impact Math Tutoring after school for grades 3-10 in 2023
Revolution Now Homework Help available to all students 24/7 in spring 2023
Additional instructional time for Special Education students in 2021-22