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Small Works Roster

Small works are projects estimated to cost less than $350,000. The purpose of the Small Works Roster is to form a pool of contractors for various small construction projects for the Lakewood School District. The projects, in general, require:

  • Prevailing wages be paid and documented in compliance with RCW 39.12.
  • A Performance Bond is executed in compliance with RCW 39.08 before beginning work.
  • The contractor holds a Washington State contractor’s license.
  • Contractor must deliver a certificate of insurance naming the city as an additional insured party before beginning work.

The district uses the shared Small Public Works Roster maintained through MRSC. Registration and information is available at the MRSC Roster website. Contractors who register on the roster under Lakewood School District will be eligible for consideration on future small works projects.

Small Works Contracts Awarded


School / Location

Contractor / Vendor

Contract Amount Description Date Awarded

English Crossing
Elementary School

PSR Mechanical $189,987 ECE Boiler 02/22/2022

Bid quotations for small works contracts are available for public inspection in the Business Office at the Lakewood School District, located at 17110 16th Dr. N.E., Marysville, WA 98271.