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Free and Reduced Meals

Free and Reduced Price Meals

A new application must be submitted each school year.

Free/Reduced forms for the 2024-25 school year are now available. In order to receive meals at a reduced price, students must have a current Child Nutrition Eligibility & Education Benefit (CNEEB) application approved on file at their school.

Please fill out the application completely. Only one application per family is required. There is a built-in 30-day grace period from the previous year to complete a new application. All applications are processed within 10 days of the school receiving them. Please do not email or fax applications as we must have an original (not copied) signature.

If your student receives Basic Food or TANF you must include the number on the application.

Applications cannot be processed without the case number.

Families who meet federal income eligibility standards may apply for meals at a reduced price or at no cost. Please note that applications for the 2024-25 school year must be based on July 1, 2024 income or later. Please print and complete the application and return it by mail or in person. Your student may also return the form to the school office. An original signature is required, so please do not email or fax your application. Only one application needs to be completed per family. Copies of the application are available at the District Office or at your school office.

Students who are approved will receive free meals (breakfast and lunch) at school. 

Military families in privatized housing (Carroll's Creek) do not need to include their housing allowance in their income when applying for free or reduced-price meals.

PLEASE NOTE: Those who qualify for free/reduced meals may also be eligible for other benefits or reduced school district fees. It is recommended that you complete the “Consent to Share” form as well to receive benefits such as waived ASB and other extracurricular participation fees, and reduced admission fees for families to school events.  


Elementary Families

Lakewood School District has been approved to operate the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) at our three elementary schools. Breakfast and lunch will be available to all students at Cougar Creek Elementary, English Crossing Elementary and Lakewood Elementary at no cost.  We ask all elementary families to complete the  “Child Nutrition Eligibility & Education Benefit Application (CNEEB)".  By completing this form we ensure your student’s school will continue to receive the full amount of federal and state funding available to Lakewood School District. If you also have a student attending Lakewood Middle School or Lakewood High School, only one application is necessary per family.

Multilingual Families: Need help in another language? Contact to arrange for an interpreter. 
¿Necesita ayuda en otro idioma? Comuníquese con para coordinar un intérprete.
Нужна помощь на другом языке? Свяжитесь с, чтобы организовать переводчика.