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Special Education

Our Vision

To provide high-quality, individualized, equitable, inclusive education to all students. All students will learn academic and work-life skills.

Guiding Principles

  • All students, regardless of their designation to receive special education services, will be provided with targeted services, supports, and accommodations; allowing them to learn in the general education classroom, interact with peers, and engage in the core curriculum.
  • All students and families have a sense of belonging and are respected members of the learning community.
  • Students, families and caregivers, staff, and communities are valued and engaged in planning for student success.
  • Instructional programs are student-centered, build autonomy and prepare each graduate for a successful transition to post-secondary life, work and learning. 

Contact Us

Lissan Wipfli - Executive Director of Special Education
Jamie Rutledge - Administrative Assistant

Phone (360) 652-4500
Fax (360) 652-4502

Physical Address:

17110 16th DR NE, Marysville, WA 98271

Mailing Address:

PO Box 220, N. Lakewood, WA 98259

Record Requests - If you need to request special education records, please send your request from your DISTRICT or AGENCY email to Please include the student's full name and date of birth.