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District Programs

  • Birth to Three. Infants and toddlers with disabilities are provided early intervention assistance through agencies such as Providence Children's Center and Sherwood.

  • Early Childhood. Children, ages 3-5, with developmental delays in communication, cognition, social-emotional, adaptive, and motor skills areas receive specially designed instruction in our developmental preschool program. This is a half-day program (am/pm) (Location: LES)

  • Learning Support Services. Students receive specially designed instruction in academic, behavior, and social areas as indicated on their evaluation. (Location: Every building)

  • Comprehensive Skills Program. Students with moderate to severe disabilities receive specially designed instruction in all areas as indicated on their evaluation. Opportunities for participation in the general education class will occur as designated in the IEP. (Location: CCE, LMS & LHS)

  • Achieve Program. Students with emotional and behavioral disabilities receive specially designed instruction in a self-contained setting (Location: ECE and LMS).

  • Transition Program. Students, ages 18-22, with significant disabilities receive on-going specially designed instruction in community living and work training. (Location: LHS)

  • Home Instruction/Tutoring. Students, ages 3-22, receive specially designed instruction at home due to medical, physical, emotional, or behavioral needs or students who have been suspended or expelled from their school receive specially designed instruction as per their IEP team.

  • Outside Agencies. Students, ages 3-22, receive specially designed instruction in a setting outside of the district if the district is unable to provide an appropriate program to meet the student's needs.