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General Information

Special Education and related services are provided to eligible students in the Lakewood School District. The Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures that children with disabilities and the families of such children have access to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). IDEA is focused on improving educational results for children with disabilities.

The Lakewood School District serves more than 480 students from birth until one of the following occurs:

  • A group of qualified professionals and the parent of the student, based on a reevaluation, determines the student is no longer eligible for special education; or
  • The student has met high school graduation requirements established by the school district pursuant to rules of the state board of education, and the student has graduated from high school with a regular high school diploma; or
  • The student enrolled in the public school system or receiving services has reached twenty-two years of age; or
  • The student stops receiving special education services based upon a parent's written revocation to a school district.

Children from birth through two years of age are served through contracts with community agencies.

Instructional and support services are delivered by special education teachers, school psychologists, speech language pathologists, behavior specialists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, vision, and mobility specialists, deaf and hard of hearing specialists, and educational assistants.

In compliance with federal and state law, students with disabilities are served in the least restrictive environment to the maximum extent possible. All special education students at all district schools participate as appropriate in general education classrooms.

Special education services may include individualized specially designed instruction in the areas of academic, cognitive/pre-academic, adaptive (e.g. self-help; self-advocacy, community, independent living), speech and language, motor, social, vision, behavior and vocational, as well as, related services, supplementary aids and services, and supports to school personnel.

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed at least annually for each special education student.