Bus Information
Transportation Information Line
Dial (360) 654-2024 for a recorded message that will update families during inclement weather or when road conditions affect the timely operation of our school buses. During inclement weather, we will make every effort to update this line by 5:30 a.m. This phone number is not monitored for incoming messages. Please call (360) 652-4525 for any Transportation questions.
School Bus Stops
Bus route numbers, bus stop locations and pick up and drop off times can be found in Family Access by the last week of August. Students should be waiting at their designated school bus stop at least five minutes prior to the published stop time for the stop. Please help us to be on time to school by being at your stop five minutes early. Students are allowed to depart the bus only at their assigned stop. Exceptions to this can only be made by prior arrangement with a note from a parent delivered to the school office. The office staff will then write a bus pass to be given to the bus driver allowing the student to get off at a different stop.
Special Notice to Kindergarten Parents
Kindergarten students need to be met at the bus stop by a parent/guardian or other adult. They can also be released from the bus with an older sibling with prior arrangements. If you are a parent of a kindergarten student, please communicate to your bus driver if someone other than yourself will be meeting your student, or if your student should be released with an older sibling. Thank you for your cooperation.
Video/Audio Recording on Buses
Students and parents are notified that, for safety and student behavior management, activity on school buses shall be recorded by video/audio recording systems installed in all Lakewood School District buses. District policy #6608 governs the use of recorded material.