Contact Us
District Office
- Phone: (360) 652-4500
- Fax: (360) 652-4502
- Shipping Address: 17110 16th Dr NE, Marysville, WA 98271
- Mailing Address: PO Box 220, N Lakewood, WA 98259
- Cougar Creek Elementary: (P) 360-652-4517 (F) 360-652-4519
- 16216 11th Ave NE, Arlington, WA 98223
- English Crossing Elementary: (P) 360-652-4515 (F) 360-654-2036
- 16728 16th Drive NE, Marysville, WA 98271
- Lakewood Elementary: (P) 360-652-4520 (F) 360-654-2039
- 17000 16th Drive NE, Marysville, WA 98271
- Lakewood Middle School: (P) 360-652-4510 (F) 360-652-4512
- 16800 16th Dr. NE, Marysville, WA 98271
- Lakewood High School: (P) 360-652-4505 (F) 360-652-4507
- 17023 11th Ave NE, Arlington, WA 98223
Most-requested phone numbers
- ECEAP/Early Learning: 360-652-4520
- Facilities: 360-652-4503
- Human Resources: 360-654-2033
- Transportation/Bus Routes: 360-652-4525
Additional contact information
Please click on a department link to see additional contact information.
- Transportation Information Line: (360) 654-2024 (info only, we do not monitor voicemails on this line)
- Athletics: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1102
- At-risk student programs: (360) 652-4501 ext. 5110
- Business Office: 360-654-2033
- Career & Technical Education: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1021
- Choice Transfers and Variances: (360) 652-4500
- Communications & Public Relations: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1006
- Curriculum: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1102
- Distribution of materials (e-flyers): (360) 652-4501 ext. 1006
- Multilingual Learners program: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1021
- Facility use: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1018
- Food Services and Free/Reduced-Price Meals: (360) 654-2079
- Graduation requirements: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1021
- Grounds and maintenance: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1018
- Health Services
- Highly Capable student programs: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1021
- Homeless Assistance/McKinney-Vento: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1021
- Homeschooling: (360) 652-4500
- Learning Assistance Program (LAP): (360) 652-4501 ext. 1102
- Online Academy with Edgenuity
- School Board: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1017
- Secondary school education: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1102
- Special Education: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1016
- Standardized testing: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1102
- Student Rights & Responsibilities: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1101
- Superintendent's Office: (360) 652-4500
- Teaching & Learning: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1102
- Technology Services: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1102
- Title I program: (360) 652-4501 ext. 1102
- Transcript Request Form