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Public Comment

Instructions for Public Comment

The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving members of the public in its meetings. The Board appreciates feedback in order to make the best decisions possible to benefit students. In order to permit fair and orderly expression of public comment, the Board will provide a period at the beginning of each regular meeting during which visitors may address the Board on any topic within the scope of the Board's responsibility.
At the beginning of each regular meeting, the Board President will recognize those who wish to address the Board. For those wishing to speak to the board, they may appear in person, virtually (using Zoom), or by submitting a written comment.
During public comment, the board listens but does not engage in dialogue or provide a response. In accordance with state policy, the board's silence does not imply agreement or disagreement with the remarks of a speaker. Under the Open Public Meetings Act, the school board is limited in its ability to discuss items not on the agenda. Regular board meetings are video and audio recorded by the District and are made available through BoardDocs on the district's website.


In-person Public Comment

We ask that in-person attendee's who wish to make a public comment sign-in at the beginning of the meeting. When called upon by the Board President, you may come forward to the podium address the board up to three minutes. 

Zoom Public Comment

For those who wish to speak virtually (Zoom) during the Public Comment portion of the meeting, please complete the form linked HERE by 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. A confirmation email will be sent to you by 4:00 p.m. Questions or comments submitted electronically past the 3:00 p.m. window will be shared with the Board after the meeting and a response, if appropriate, will be provided by Administration.

Log on to the Zoom meeting, and wait until the Board President invites audience members to comment. Upon being called upon, please state your name, spelling of your last name and keep your comments brief (no more than three minutes).

Written Comment

A person wishing to submit a written public comment to the Board shall mail a letter to the address below no later than 12:00 p.m. the day of the board meeting, if your statement is received after the 12:00 p.m. deadline your statement will be distributed to the Board at the next regular scheduled meeting.

Lakewood School District Board of Directors
17110 16th Drive NE
Marysville, WA 98271