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School Improvement Plans

Board-approved School Improvement Plans for 2024-25

Cougar Creek Elementary SIP

English Crossing SIP

Lakewood Elementary SIP

Lakewood High School SIP

Lakewood Middle School SIP

“Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and
world better than you found it.” Marian Wright Edelman

Each year, our building and district staff collaborate to prepare and implement School Improvement Plans (SIPs). These “roadmaps” outline strategies and activities designed to enhance student achievement. A SIP defines each school’s collective goals, the actions planned to meet those goals, the data to be monitored, timelines, responsibilities, and how staff will be supported through professional learning. Relevant evidence plays a crucial role in both the development and ongoing adjustment of each SIP.

Each Lakewood SIP is tailored to the unique needs of its building and students while aligning with overall district priorities and the Lakewood Compact. Three common goals—strong Tier 1 instruction, clearly defined Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and fostering a sense of belonging—serve as the foundation for these plans. Together, staff work to understand and address the specific strengths and areas for improvement of each student.

This year, an additional component has been added to each building’s goals: measures of achievement. Each building has established metrics to track progress and evaluate the attainment of its objectives.

All efforts to support the academic growth and well-being of our students and community are rooted in these school improvement goals. These plans enable us to identify new opportunities to meet student needs effectively. As we finalize our District Strategic Plan this year, we look forward to refining our SIP goals, moving toward a unified and cohesive vision for learning in our community.

Our administrators and staff are committed to prioritizing student achievement in these plans. Our shared commitments, structures, and learning extend across our school communities, guided by the belief that we all have the power to leave our community and world better than we found it.

Bryan Toutant
Executive Director of Teaching and Learning