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You learn something new every day. Attendance counts.

Did you know that you can fall behind in school by missing just 10% of the school year? That can mean just 2 days a month or 18 days a year for any reason, excused or unexcused. Lakewood School District considers regular and punctual attendance to be a necessary part of student learning.

Attendance Expectations

  1. Students are expected to arrive at school on time and be in class when it commences.
  2. Students will attend all scheduled classes, in their entirety, every day without tardies, skips or unexcused absences.
  3. If a student misses any part of a school day, parents will communicate the reason for the absence to the attendance secretary at the school he/she attends. This will need to be done in a timely manner consistent with school attendance policy.
  4. A student may be required to attend a conference if unexcused absences begin to accumulate and the school will be required to file a truancy petition if a student collects 7 unexcused absences within a month or 10 unexcused absences within the school year.
  5. A student will be withdrawn from school if he/she has 20 consecutive days of absence. If the registrar does not receive a request for records within 10 days of that withdrawal, a truancy petition will be filed with the juvenile court.