Skyward Family Access
Skyward Family Access
In our ongoing effort to increase communication between school and home, we are pleased to offer Skyward Family Access to our families. Skyward is our statewide student information system, and all families have access to the system. With this online ability, you will be able to view your child’s schedule, daily attendance, quarter/semester grades and grade books, and general and emergency information. The information is on a secure server, and you will access the information using a unique login and password.
Skyward Mobile App
Online Returning Student Registration
Completion is required prior to the start of each school year.
Online registration eliminates the need for schools to mail packets home at the beginning of the school year for parents to update and send back with their students. Not only does this save the schools on postage costs, but it is also a time-saving measure for our parents as this is very easy to complete.
All parents/guardians who are designated as “primary guardians” are being asked to log into Family Access and complete the Returning Student Registration for each child enrolled in the district. To prevent redundant or conflicting data updates, only primary guardians will need to update the Returning Student Registration information in Family Access.
Required Online Returning Student Registration currently includes the following forms:
- Student Information Verification
- Military Status Verification
- Ethnicity/Race Verification
- Home Language Survey
- Health Concerns
- Acceptable Use Guidelines/District User Agreement
- Annual Housing Questionnaire
- Annual Attendance Notification
- Rules of conduct for students riding school buses
- Sno-Isle Libraries Student Account