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Multilingual Learners (MLL)

The MLL program provides instruction to meet the needs of K-12 students whose primary language is not English. Students qualify for the program shortly after enrollment by scoring at a level 1, 2, or 3 on the WIDA Screener. Students take this test if a parent or guardian indicates on the Home Language Survey that the student’s first language is not English.

Students exit from the program when they score at a level 4.0 for grades K-1 and score a 4.7 for grades 2-12 on the annual WIDA Access. Depending on needs and assessment, some students may participate in MLL classes, while others may receive in-class or pull-out assistance.

Both certificated and classified staff assist MLL students. The MLL program supplements regular classroom teaching. Parent involvement is an important part of our program; your input is welcome and your participation is encouraged. Family involvement is a key factor in a student's improved academic performance.

Interpreters for parents who have limited English skills may be obtained by contacting your student's school or the district office. Lakewood School District strives to communicate with our MLL families and provide documents in a language they can understand.

District Contacts

Lynn Konkol, Director of Teaching and Learning and MLL District Coordinator

Jamie Cooper, MLL Teacher - Primary Schools
Christopher Beilfuss, MLL Teacher - Secondary Schools

Lakewood School District

State Contact

Migrant and Multilingual Education
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Migrant and Multilingual Education